So you've taken an interest in DnB production as well? Cool, as a big fan of DnB I think I can give you some insight at the very least from a *listener's* perspective.
Overall, it sounds nice. Good build-up. I do like the beat and the sounds you used.
"Standard" DnB (I guess you can call it that?) is usually a bit faster. *A lot* of people will tell you that producers go around 165-180 bpm, maybe higher. But that's just everyone else (I mean that speedy amen break can only be used so much right?) I really love this genre, but I want it to have flexibility so tempo is honestly up to you.
I've honestly been more of a neurofunk fan, but when it comes to liquid from what I can tell by producers like Apex or High Contrast, there's a lot of use of this sort of 'mellow reese'. But then again there's always so much variety even within sub-genres. People like Brookes Brothers do something almost entirely different.
I think I've name dropped enough though. I mean this is your creation after all. All I can really say is that you're on a great start, especially for a first attempt. You are definitely headed in the right direction to making some really nice stuff. Like last time, I look forward to more.
(Sorry if it seems weird that I'm reviewing you again. I saw the track under new submissions on the main audio page.)